By Integrated Marketing Platform | August 27, 2019 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

Marketing Goals Vs. Marketing Strategy
Getting digital marketing right isn’t always easy — especially if that marketing is aimed at the manufacturing and industrial sector, which often involves high-volume, high-cost transactions and very long purchase cycles. Full Story: ThomasNet News (blog)
10 Tips for Developing a Solid Inbound Marketing Strategy
This type of marketing strategy helps your company grow by using digital channels in an organized and measurable way. While your website and your marketing automation platform are both important players in your inbound marketing campaigns, your success depends not only on the technology you use, but also on the research you conduct and the strategy you deploy. Full Story: G2 (blog)
13 Top Solutions For A Marketing Campaign That Didn’t Go Quite How You’d Hoped
The reason why marketing is such an inexact science is that human beings are notoriously unpredictable. A marketing campaign with no malice intended whatsoever could quickly run afoul of a single representative group that feels personally offended by the information presented in the ads. Full Story: Forbes
Tips for Building a Solid Content Marketing Strategy
Content marketing is a fun and creative way to attract new customers to your business. Just know — it doesn’t have to be complicated to get the desired results. Check out these tips for building a solid, simple, content marketing strategy that doesn’t involve any guess work. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Outdated Marketing Strategies You Should Stop Using
There’s no doubt that the marketing landscape has changed drastically over the past decade. While some traditional marketing efforts still work in this age and time, there are outdated marketing strategies that you should now stop using if you don’t want to waste your time and money. Full Story: Edgy Labs
6 Inbound marketing tactics to skyrocket your search traffic
If you are able to do inbound marketing in the right manner then you will be successful in securing a lot of passive income. But this technique is very much different from the methods used in traditional marketing. You do not have to spend a lot of money on people who are not your target audience. Moreover, you can change the focus of your marketing based on the age, interest, and gender of your audience. Full Story: Techstory
How Marketing Can Help Develop an Effective Customer Onboarding Program
Customer Onboarding is a critical driver of ongoing Customer Success and Satisfaction. During this stage of the customer lifecycle, users are eager to get started with your product or service. This is your first opportunity to show each user how your product works, how it will benefit them, and why they should feel confident about their choice in going with your product. Full Story: MarTech Series
4 Steps to Drive Revenue with Data-Driven Marketing
Building great customer relationships is a process of nurturing, developing, and getting to know who they are. From a recent Marketo study of over 3,000 consumers, 83% of respondents felt that companies will find a way to market to them, around privacy regulations even if they have said “no” to marketing. Full Story: MarTech Advisor

4 Steps for Creating a Solid Social Media Strategy
A social media strategy is critical to stand out from your competition and make a mark on social media. Here are the steps you can follow to create the ultimate social media marketing plan that will help you reach your business goals. Full Story: Social Media Today
5 Reasons Marketers Need a Social Media Strategy in 2019
This existing and constantly developing model has become a necessity for any business, big or small, to learn to use in order to remain relevant and competitive in the field. But before you dive headfirst into social media marketing, you’ll need to understand what a social media strategy is and why it’s important for your business. Full Story: G2 (blog)
It doesn’t matter which social media platforms you’re using to promote your business—if you’re not measuring your results, you’re wasting your time! You need to be tracking things like which posts perform better than others, and which types of content your users like best. Full Story: Business 2 Community
6 Ways to Improve Your Instagram Campaigns
If your goal is to create an Instagram campaign that catches the attention of your audience, you need to do it right. For those who are unsure where to start, check out these six ways to improve your Instagram campaign and captivate your followers. No two social network platforms are alike, and what works on Facebook or Twitter may not work on Instagram. Full Story: G2 (blog)

Is content still king for SEO in 2019?
At the mention of search engine optimization, there is not a doubt that one of the primary elements that come to mind is content. This traces its origin to when the internet was introduced and was in a growing phase to be the ultimate platform for instant access to relevant information. True to expectations, lots of strategic players did not fail in the endeavor and consequently made the internet a massive library of information accessible by everyone. Full Story: Techaeris
How offline branding plays a crucial role in Google SEO Algorithm?
With the rapid growth in the digital world, businesses and entrepreneurs are focusing on the terminology of Online Branding using all social media platforms and resources. But in order to gain retention and to introduce them self as an entity to the audience, one must not neglect the practices of traditional offline branding. Full Story: VENTS Magazine
2019 SEO Survival Guide: The Top 2 Tips Every Small Business Needs to Hear
Did you know that 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine query? Rather than go to your small business website directly, many potential customers who are searching for products and services like your own are asking Google for assistance. That means Google could be your best referrer of new leads — or it could be your competitions’. Whether search engines refer you over your competition depends on your site’s level of optimization, which is where SEO comes in. Full Story: Customer Think
SEO Checklist to the Perfect Location Page
Contrary to this client’s unfortunately popular belief, ranking in the map pack for keywords around “Near Me” does not involve keyword stuffing. Ranking in the map pack has many factors, but one of the most important ones is having a killer location landing page. Full Story: Search Engine Journal

Yes, mobile video can replace TV
Today’s consumers are buried in their phones – and they’re not just scrolling, they’re pausing and watching. Mobile video now accounts for more than half of all video starts, with mobile plays growing in double-digit percentages and showing no signs of slowing down. Full Story: Mobile Marketing Magazine
Google to Discontinue the AdSense App for iOS and Android
Google is deprecating the AdSense app for iOS and Android in the coming months. By the end of 2019, the apps will be completely removed from all app stores. As Google discontinues the AdSense app, improvements will be rolling out to the AdSense mobile web interface. So there will be a better mobile browser experience to switch over to when the AdSense app is no longer available. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
There is no doubt about the fact that a significant part of digital content is being viewed on mobile devices. The number of mobile readers has already outgrown the number of desktop-specific readers. No longer is responsive web design sufficient to cater to the needs of the mobile reading pattern, even if it may smoothly pass Google’s mobile-friendly test. You need to think deeper and work around all the aspects like text, videos, images, etc. which impact the user experience. Full Story: BBN Times
Progressive Web Apps versus mobile apps: What you need to know
As brands were figuring out the most effective ways of reaching people via their desktop computers, people were transferring their allegiance—and attention—to their mobile phones. This has posed new problems for companies, as they work to find the best way to create a mobile experience that keeps users engaged while making it easy for them to make it through every stage of the customer journey. Full Story: DigitalCommerce360

A Guide to Business Signage Best Practice
If your business has a physical presence of any kind, or you exhibit or attend branded events, it’s imperative to invest in quality business signage that stands out from the crowd. The right signage and logo design will help build brand recognition, both offline and online, and ultimately increase footfall and conversions. Full Story: Bytestart
Sony Pictures Entertainment launches programmatic OOH weather banners
Traditional OOH advertising, which is either static or pre-set to rotationally run on digital screens, has now become a blind spot for frequent passerbys due to its redundant messaging for days. Sony Pictures along with Dentsu Webchutney used its programmatic expertise to serve dynamic creatives real-time on outdoor billboards, which were triggered by weather events, to make it contextually relevant to the viewers. Full Story: Exchange4Media

How to Use Technology for Direct Mail Marketing
In the competitive digital market, businesses take help of both, offline and online marketing to influence purchase intention. Paper-based advertisements, like direct mails, play a crucial role in influencing the purchase decision of the buyer. While direct mail is a proven marketing strategy, technology takes it to a whole new level. Full Story:
Why email marketing is still the most effective way to build customer relationships
Strong customer relationships are built on trust, but how do you create and maintain personal relationships with thousands of customers? According to leading email service provider, Everlytic, you need a strong email marketing platform that can deliver personalised messaging. Full Story: The Media Online

Ways to Make Your E-commerce Startup Stand Out
Setting up an e-commerce business isn’t some brainless Bollywood song of today that can go viral overnight making the present generation blindly falling for it. Rather, it is like an interesting and insightful movie that takes many years of production followed by multiple numbers of retakes and cuts, to eventually win audiences. And still, there is no guarantee for success! Full Story: Entrepreneur
Most Shoppers Say Poor Shipping Options Derail Ecommerce Orders
While the relationship between shipping options and ecommerce shopping cart conversion or abandonment is well established, the extent of the impact is shown in stark detail in a new report from ecommerce platform provider BigCommerce. Full Story: Multichannel Merchant

Seven PR Factors To Power Your Digital Communications Strategy
As public relations and other marketing disciplines continue to converge and intertwine, having a comprehensive digital communications strategy becomes more important than ever. If your purpose is to effectively raise awareness for your brand and underscore your industry leadership in an increasingly competitive media landscape, what are the key factors that make for the most impactful strategy? Full Story: Forbes
3 Ways Public Relations and Human Resources Can Team Up to Win the Talent Wars
The best public relations (PR) professionals are problem-solvers. No one needs problem-solving now like human resources (HR). As a community, it got too comfortable after a decade’s long employers’ market. It became conditioned to passively wait for candidates to apply while forgetting how to talent hunt. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Near raises $100M for an AI that merges online and offline behavior to build consumer profiles
Marketing research is one of the main features of Allspark, the company’s flagship platform, where non-technical people can ask questions in natural language — example, show me how many women shop at Whole Foods in San Francisco — and you can get a data-based response, which you can then tweak with more tailored questions about the profile of a user, or use a dragging graphic tool on an interactive map to modify the geography, and so on. Full Story: TechCrunch
Clean Data That Leads To Precision Marketing? Who’d Have Thought
Just stop and think for a minute about how accurate the ads you’re served with are. Occasionally, as if by magic, you’ll spot an ad spruiking something you were speaking about or searching for only minutes earlier. Full Story: B&T

4 Ways Web Design Can Help You Improve Customer Experience
The design of your website is one of those key elements of modern brand building that has the power and potential to make or break customer experience and satisfaction. Quite simply, without a responsive, intuitive, and customer-centric design that boasts a customer success mindset, your site has no chance of competing with the winning web designs in your industry. Without a modern design, your online presence will suffer, and your will lose potential as well as existing customers in the process. Full Story: Customer Think
What are the latest web development Trends For businesses In 2019?
It’s impossible to go along with web development trends; because it is subject to change. Rarely, a week passes without any release of a new JS framework, complicated build tool or testing suite. Such changes and newest web technologies create an atmosphere of excitement and confusion among those who are dependent on their website to survive in this digitally competitive era to run their business where all is available at the fingertips as the future of web designing and web development have a very wide scope. Full Story:

Marketing Automation Mostly Focused On Campaigns, Study Finds
Brands considering marketing automation strategy are most focused on bucking up their campaign performance, according to Marketing Automation Integration, a study byAscend2. Their primary reasons for deploying automation are to improve campaign effectiveness (57%), marketing/sales alignment (53%) and quality lead generation (49%). Full Story: MediaPost Communications
Four Challenges For Leaders Of Marketing And Sales Automation Projects
The world of sales is rapidly developing; the previous methodologies of cold calling and hoping for a connection have almost become things of the forgotten past. No one likes to be sold to when they are busy — not executives and certainly not your customers. In 2019, personalization of all outbound communication is often vital not only to companies’ success but to their overall brand image. Full Story: Forbes

Why the business intelligence training is must for employees?
In the framework of an increasingly competitive and challenging business environment, companies need to find solutions and systems to generate competitive advantages from the collection, analysis, and transformation of data into strategic decisions that allow them to design successful plans and properly manage the different areas and departments. Full Story: VENTS Magazine
The direction of business intelligence is changing to forward
Data analysis — and the technology that fuels it — has long been rear-facing, looking back at what already happened. But the next wave of BI platforms will not simply examine what’s already happened to hopefully reveal why; based on the intelligence it’s gathered, it will be able to look forward to predict what will happen next, according to analysts and industry insiders. Full Story: TechTarget

Why Brand Storytelling Is The Future of Marketing
Well, that’s probably not going to happen, so instead, we have to look at where marketing is and what’s influencing it right now. One of the biggest trends is storytelling, and it has the ability to attract and resonate with audiences in a really big way. Full Story: G2 (blog)
5 Areas That Matter Most in Video Marketing
Especially if you’re taking a more customer-centric approach like TubeScience has with performance video — a direct-response format often found on social media that focuses on customer acquisition rather than likes or shares — alignment is key. To maximize their conversion and clickthrough rate, every video your brand puts out should feature talent that your customers can connect with. Full Story: Business 2 Community

How Amazon Started a Voice Search Marketing Revolution
In a recent article published by TechiExpert, Amazon’s Alexa is changing how organic searches would appear in search engines. While SEO has been long dominated by Google Search, technological developments would inevitably change that—namely voice search. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Optimize Your Web Content For Voice Search With These 10 Tips
If you’re like the majority of smartphone owners, you likely rely on voice-powered functions to schedule appointments, send text messages and search for information online. Voice search, in particular, has become a key area to watch for marketers: According to Comscore, half of all online searches will be voice searches by 2020. In other words, voice is the future of internet search. Full Story: Forbes