By Integrated Marketing Platform | April 07, 2020 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

5 Effective Low-Budget Marketing Strategies for Startups
Startups operate under extremely tight budgets, which makes it almost impossible for them to set aside a marketing budget. Full Story: Entrepreneur
Five Key Digital Marketing Strategies Amidst the Coronavirus Crisis
Here are five key strategies to help marketers make forward-looking decisions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Full Story: PerformanceIN
5 best practices for an effective marketing strategy in the telecommunication sector
What are best practices when it comes to building an effective digital marketing strategy in the telecommunication sector? Full Story: Doxee
Take Your Customers On An Engaging ‘Drive’ Through Your Campaign
At TWIO, our four grounding principles take consumers on a R.I.D.E. Full Story: Forbes
3 Marketing Lies Small-Business Owners Tell Themselves
Too many startup leaders deny the difference quality marketing makes and what they can afford. Full Story:
How Marketing Has Evolved and Why it’s Important
A great deal has changed in marketing since the dawn of the internet. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Help Others See The ROI For Marketing
It’s easy to see the value marketing provides when you work in marketing, but it can be a lot harder for others to see the true value of marketing. Full Story: Forbes
Why your digital marketing strategy needs to be aligned with your business strategy
There are a number of different schools of thought when it comes to the question of business strategy development. Full Story:

3 Ways To Build A Stronger Personal Brand On Social Media
Social media can be pretty intimidating for some people—especially those who tend to shun the spotlight and avoid self-promotion. Full Story: Forbes
The Importance of Personal Branding on Social Media in 2020
Amid the global lockdowns as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have found themselves with a lot more time on their hands… Full Story: Social Media Today
How to Use Google Trends to Boost Social Media Engagement
What people search for on Google often aligns with what they search for and post about on social media. Full Story: CMSWire
12 Ways to improve your social media presence
The likes of Facebook and Instagram have become major business drivers in the last few years, so it’s up to you to make use of state-of-the-art social media marketing techniques. Full Story: Media Update

Did you know that SEO drives 22% of all website visits?
Search Engine Optimization remains the stalwart mainstay of digital marketing. Full Story: Search Engine Land
How to Not Work with SEOs: The Top Tips for a Successful Relationship
SEO specialists and managers have the job of helping businesses rise through the organic search rankings, increasing traffic and conversions. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
How You Should or Shouldn’t Use Synonyms for SEO
If you are working in SEO or just learning, at one time or another you have probably heard about synonyms by: Full Story: Search Engine Journal
SEO: Using Canonical Tags to Reduce Duplicate Content
Canonical tags are an essential tool to prevent duplicate content in organic search results. Full Story: Practical Ecommerce

6 Steps for Improving Your Mobile Coupon Redemption Rates
As with other forms of traditional print media, paper coupons have been experiencing a steep demise over the past several years. Full Story: Business 2 Community
WhatsApp puts limits on frequently forwarded messages
WhatsApp has put a limit on frequently forwarded messages to prevent them from being forwarded to one chat at a time. Full Story: Mobile Marketing Magazine
How to Improve Your Mobile Marketing Strategy for Explosive Growth
Do you want to attract more mobile users to your website? Apple released the first smartphone in history on January 9th, 2007. since that time, growth in the mobile space has far outpaced expectations. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Using TikTok To Build Your Business
What started as a platform to showcase short, often silly, videos has caught on as one of the newest social media platforms. Full Story: Forbes

RoboAds intros digital signage kiosk robot
RoboAds Inc. has launched its mobile robotic kiosk with four 55-inch 4K displays. Full Story: Kiosk Marketplace
When do you retire an older display?
This is part one of a series looking at how to handle older displays and replace them. Full Story: Digital Signage Today

3 Ways to Make Online Marketing More Relevant to At-Home Consumers
The only way to reach consumers now is digitally. Full Story: The Financial Brand
How To Grow Your Email Subscriber List
Email marketing provides a direct conduit for communicating tailored messages and important information to clients and prospects… Full Story: IT Pro Portal

3 Ways to Make Online Marketing More Relevant to At-Home Consumers
The only way to reach consumers now is digitally. Full Story: The Financial Brand
How To Grow Your Email Subscriber List
Email marketing provides a direct conduit for communicating tailored messages and important information to clients and prospects… Full Story: IT Pro Portal

Why Your Restaurant Needs Marketing and PR Now More Than Ever
During a recession or economic downturn, virtually everyone struggles. One of the first instincts for cost-cutting measures is to eliminate marketing. Full Story: Modern Restaurant Management
A PR Agency’s Guide For Addressing A Crisis
News stories can provide us with information that’s timely, interesting and important. Full Story: Forbes

The right way to do your market research for maximum profitability
In this post, we are going to tell you everything you’d probably want to know about marketing research. Full Story: BestTechie
Your competitive edge: How AI/human cooperation empowers market research
In 2019, global private investment in AI technology reached $70 Billion, representing a massive buy-in from start-ups and big corporations alike. Full Story: BetaNews

Web Design: 5 Signs That Say You Need A Website Redesign
Most business owners are meticulous about the quality of their products and services. Full Story:
The most important web design trend of 2020
Want to play a role in fighting misinformation in 2020? Full Story: Fast Company

Seven key considerations when picking a real-time marketing automation platform
Today’s online gaming market is ever-competitive, both for punters and for providers. Full Story: SBC News
The Team Management Software That Will Help Your Company Perform Remotely
Every single day, a new organization decides to try out an app or program to boost their team’s performance. Full Story: Forbes

3 business intelligence trends to watch for in 2020
The Business Intelligence (BI) market will reach $40 billion by 2025, according to Research and Markets. Full Story: Born2Invest
Creating a step change in Business Intelligence
For some organisations gaining visibility and control over the key accounting metrics outlined above is a step change in itself. Full Story: Accountancy Today

Can branding make or break your business?
Did you know that for every five startups that are still around, more than double have failed due to lack of branding? Full Story: Casual Living
Why Your Employees Should Be at the Center of Your Brand Communications
In 2020, brands are waking up to the fact that buyer attitudes are changing. Put simply; people no longer trust brands. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Researchers want your voice to train coronavirus-detecting AI
Researchers behind an AI app that detects coronavirus in your voice have asked for volunteers to help by uploading audio of them coughing, breathing, and talking. Full Story: TNW
How Voice Technology Is Reshaping Businesses
Voice technology has been around for a while now. That said, it’s only in the last few years that we’ve seen it come into its own. Full Story: