By Integrated Marketing Platform | February 17, 2020 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

What’s the best digital marketing strategy for you?
Absolutely. Prospective clients check out your website, social media and reviews of you online first. Full Story: Inman
Which Marketing Strategy Is Best For Your Restaurant?
In this day and age, there are numerous ways to market a restaurant. Often times, it can feel overwhelming when deciding which route is best for your restaurant. Full Story: Total Food
5 Strategic ‘Must-Haves’ to Diversify Your Digital Marketing
It is all too easy to fall into the trap of the digital marketing comfort zone, but this can be a path into complacency, under-performance and ultimately decline. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
Content Marketing Trends for 2020: Are we ready?
There are over 4.4 billion Internet users worldwide. If you look at them collectively as a country, it would indeed be the largest in the world. Full Story: Entrepreneur
Want to Build a Profitable Business? Avoid These 4 Pricing “Strategies”
When you’re trying to build a business it’s easy to assume the #1 thing you need to focus on (after you’ve setup up the basics of your website or store Full Story: Business 2 Community
Digital Marketing Trends in 2020
Online marketing used to be a new and different way to market. Full Story: Business 2 Community
2020 marketing calendar – plan this year’s marketing strategy
Have you ever wondered when is the best time for your ad campaign, well look no further. This marketing calendar has every event listed, even weird ones. Full Story: The American Genius
How B2B sellers can embrace B2C strategies in 2020
As usual, consumer retail got plenty of media attention this past holiday season. Full Story: DigitalCommerce360

13 Potentially Massive Social Media Trends (And How Marketers Can Use Them)
Social media trends change rapidly, and what’s hot today might be gone tomorrow. Full Story: Forbes
5 tips for using emojis in social media marketing in 2020
In previous years, emojis are too great of a social force to look through. Full Story: AZ Big Media
5 Reasons Your Social Media Marketing Campaign is Failing (and How to Fix it!)
Are you struggling to gain traction on social media? These five reasons could be why, and luckily they are easy problems to fix. Full Story:
How Social Media Marketers Earned A Seat At The Table
No longer simply relegated to the most junior marketer, social media has become a field rich in strategy, nuance, and up-and-coming talent. Full Story: Forbes

My first ecommerce website, in 1996, was static and hand-built. Managing products — prices, photos, descriptions — was nearly impossible. Full Story: Practical Ecommerce
How Hackers May Be Hurting Your SEO
It’s a debatable topic amongst many, however, this is defiantly true: Full Story: Search Engine Journal
How Does Google’s BERT Algorithm Update Affect Your Website’s SEO?
Google’s latest algorithm update, BERT, is supposedly one of the search engine’s biggest updates yet. BERT was rolled out at the end of 2019, and it has already made significant changes in search rankings. Full Story: Business 2 Community
SEO vs. PPC: When is the Right Time to Pay?
There are nearly as many strategies for online marketing as there are business websites, and each has its own theory of how to best bring in traffic to its site. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Four ways to sell more cloud and mobile tools to SMBs
How the channel can boost mobile and cloud penetration among smaller customer businesses. Full Story: Channel Pro
Google’s Mobile-First Indexing: Everything We Know (So Far)
Ever since Google first announced that it was experimenting with mobile-first indexing in 2016, there has been a ton of information published. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
How Mobile Apps Deliver Better Customer Experience
The world and all the technology in it may be advancing at a rapid pace, but certain things have remained constant despite all these changes. Full Story: Customer Think
64% of Mobile Gamers Likely to Shop Directly From Brands Rather Than Third-Party Retailers
Clothing is the most popular product category for online shopping among mobile gamers. Full Story: MarTech Advisor

3 reasons to combine digital signage with a kiosk
Digital signage and kiosks tend to be two sides of the same coin, which is why they often work so well together. Full Story: Kiosk Marketplace
Signage and Advertising: The What and the Why
We’ve all likely been distracted by beautiful and not so beautiful signage as we drive, walk, and bike. Full Story: MENAFN.COM

Updating Your Email Marketing for 2020
No marketing tool has quite had the staying power of email marketing. Full Story: Fourth Source
Best Email Marketing Strategies for Your Business
In contemporary times, most people tend to appraise catchy social media posts, captivating memes, and quick-tip videos among others. Full Story: Tech Funnel

A Guide to Optimizing the Speed of Your Ecommerce Website
If there’s one thing that’s key for an online business, it’s an ecommerce website that can handle requests quickly. Full Story: Multichannel Merchant
How to Elevate Shopping Experiences in Ecommerce Website
One of the most popular options today for businesses is Ecommerce development. Full Story: The African Exponent

Six PR Trends That Will Impact Businesses In 2020
Despite the introduction of new technology, specialized algorithms, and fancy electronic devices, PR needs a human element to remain relevant. Full Story: Entrepreneur
Why positive impact should always outweigh bad PR
These are questions which have been asked time and again, and yet there still isn’t any real consensus on the answer. Full Story: UK Fundraising

Smart Outlet Market Research Report Analysis And Forecasts To 2025
The global Smart Outlet Market 2019 report serves as a document containing all-around information, which promotes and assists the estimation of every aspect of the Smart Outlet market. Full Story: Nyse Nasdaq Live
How to Know Which Market Research Method to Use
While there are a wide array of market research tactics you can embark on, most organizations tend to follow one of five particular approaches. Full Story: Business 2 Community

How to Outsource Web Development in 2020
Outsourcing has become a global trend today. The industries where outsourcing doesn’t make sense are almost gone. Full Story: WhaTech
Why Choose Magento for e-Commerce Website Development?
With the continuously rising number of online shoppers across the globe, all businesses should look forward to having their own online store to sell their products and services. Full Story: Customer Think

Thinking of marketing with AI? Here are some strategies to consider
BUSINESSES need to grow, and in the digital age, it is important that growth happens quickly to drive impeccable sales results. Full Story: Tech Wire Asia
Five ways artificial intelligence is a marketing must-have
Artificial intelligence is becoming a must-have in the marketing industry, that it even has a name: AI marketing. Full Story: The Media Online

5 Disadvantages of Business Intelligence and How to Avoid Them
Data analytics is shaping business today. As more information and processes take on a digital format, tools like business intelligence (BI) have become increasingly valuable. Full Story: Business 2 Community
What You Need To Know About Location Intelligence In 2020
53% of enterprises say that Location Intelligence is either critically important or very important to achieving their goals for 2020. Full Story: Forbes

Six secrets to successful branding design
Your brand is the single most important part of your commercial enterprise. Full Story: Exhibition World
This End-to-End Design Service for Entrepreneurs Doesn’t Cost a Fortune
Great branding is vitally important to any new business, but hiring a designer and a marketing team can be an unwieldy, impossible expense when you’re just starting out. Full Story: Entrepreneur

Microsoft is Working on a Non-Cortana Voice Assistant for Windows 10X
Microsoft’s upcoming Windows 10X operating system will include a voice control feature, based on a job posting spotted by Somagnews. Full Story:
Voice Search is Here – What Are Your Content Optimization Strategies?
Voice Search and Virtual Assistants have arrived and how! They are the most discussed SEO trends recently and have a widespread impact on how people get their information these days. Full Story: Business 2 Community