By Integrated Marketing Platform | February 18, 2021 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

How Marketing Strategy Can Embrace Agility
Marketers should focus on designing and executing a strategy that encourages value-based outcomes. Full Story: Forbes
Four Reasons Why Content Marketing Is Hard
Everywhere you turn today, businesses are seeking guidance to leverage content marketing. Full Story: Forbes
How to Start a Profitable Subscription Box Company
A subscription box is a recurring delivery of boxed niche products as part of a marketing strategy and product distribution strategy to offer consumers additional value and a unique experience. Full Story: Business 2 Community
5 Tasks Start-up Businesses Should Be Outsourcing
Entrepreneurs tend to act as one-person operations for a significant amount of time. Full Story:
5 less explored marketing channels that can bring a lot of value
Marketers have multiple options to promote their products and services. You have almost certainly heard of email marketing and social media marketing. Full Story: MultiBriefs Exclusive
Video Content Strategy: YouTube as an Essential Part of Your Marketing Arsenal
If you don’t already know what YouTube is, then you’re a bit behind. But we’ll catch you up. Full Story: Business 2 Community
What is community-based marketing and why is now the perfect time for it?
At a time when there’s more pressure than ever on marketing departments to show meaningful results. Full Story: B2B Marketing Online
Marketing tips: Empathise and trust your gut
Chicken Licken is the now the largest fried chicken franchise in the world that is not US-owned. Sombonos died in 2016 and his daughter took over. Full Story: Business Day

Five tips for learning effective social media marketing
If you are among those hyperactive and restless hustlers who decided to start their own Instagram page or YouTube channel during the pandemic, then you’re on the right page. Full Story: Times of Malta
Best Social Media Websites To Generate Traffic
As more people across the world continue to use social media to connect, strategic opportunities in e-commerce are steadily increasing. Full Story: Newswire
7 social media marketing secrets no one tells you
Despite all the social media marketing advice floating around out there, there are a few tips and trick that, while important, you may not ever have heard of. Here, we shed a little light on the situation. Full Story:
4 Social Media Tools for Marketing Teams
The COVID-19 pandemic hit our global economic landscape like a meteor, cratering many businesses and causing disruptions in previously-steady revenue streams. Full Story: CMSWire

How to Perform a SWOT Analysis for SEO
Here’s how to use the popular SWOT analysis in your SEO strategy to make sense of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in search. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
If you want to take advantage of everything that digital and internet marketing have to offer, then you need to build a strong SEO campaign. Full Story: The Realtime Report
9 SEO Experts on 2020’s Impact and SEO Priorities for 2021, Part 3
Working at Wellspring Digital with an SEO OG, Karl Hindle, has given me access to some of the smartest people in SEO. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Tip: Five essential steps to make your articles more SEO friendly
Like it or not, all digital writers – including journalists and news editors – need to worry about SEO (search engine optimisation). Full Story:

Small Mobile Ad Firms Ally to Prepare for Apple Privacy Changes
Smaller ad firms are scrambling to find workarounds to Apple’s new ‘opt-out to opt-in’ marketing changes. Full Story: DIGIT.FYI
Understanding Mobile App Security Issues
A responsible mobile app development practice compels developers to rethink the app’s security as they build it. Full Story: Enterprise Security Mag
T-Mobile Standalone 5G Boosts Rural Coverage at the Cost of Speed
A new report from OpenSignal shows how T-Mobile has been expanding rural 5G coverage, but speeds lack oomph. Full Story:
Apple Privacy Changes: Mobile Advertising Companies Form Alliance to Help App Developers for Update
Apple will soon begin to prompt iPhone users to allow apps to use their data for personalised advertising. Full Story: NDTV

Digital signage market to grow by 6%
The digital signage market is expected to grow 6.02% annually from 2020 to 2026, according to a report by ResearchandMarkets. Full Story: Retail Customer Experience
School District Uses Digital Signage to Stay Connected
Keeping connected amidst the global pandemic has become critically important for schools. Full Story: eSchool News

Email Marketing Continues to Outperform. Are Your Strategies Optimized?
Email marketing continues to be a top performing channel for marketers. Full Story: Business 2 Community
4 Email Marketing Mistakes Affecting Your Conversions (And How to Fix Them)
If you’re like many business owners, you use email marketing to stay in contact with your customers and nurture leads. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Mistakes To Avoid When Starting an eCommerce Business
Although starting an eCommerce business might be a little overwhelming, as the area is extremely dynamic, rules change quickly and new tools appear all the time. Full Story: The Good Men Project
7 Common eCommerce Business Mistakes to Avoid in 2021
Studies show that around 90% of eCommerce businesses fail within 120 days of their launch. Full Story: Business 2 Community

By turning off news sharing, Facebook has turned attention away from flawed government legislation and on to its own reckless opaque power. Full Story: The Guardian
Seeking nominations for the top PR agents for YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram stars in 2021
Insider is launching our second annual list of the top PR agents for social-media stars. Full Story: Business Insider

Ethically Sourced Data and Smart Market Research: Marketing Predictions for 2021
2020 was the year that the currency of market research increased exponentially. COVID-19 saw a seismic shift in consumer behaviors, with no industry left untouched. Full Story: Destination CRM
Two-thirds of UK businesses commissioned unused market research in 2020
Market research has been held back by societal changes and communication issues during the pandemic. Full Story: Information Age

2020 was tough for many charities, forced to shut shops while funding has dropped. Full Story: Charity Digital News
A Beginner’s Guide to Launching a Website
At Bookmark, we make launching your website as simple and accessible as possible. Our website builder and platform is designed so that anybody can use it to get online, regardless of your design of coding skills. Full Story: Business 2 Community

A Human Approach to Marketing Automation
Marketing automation can seem daunting. It may require segmenting customers, understanding behavioral triggers, writing dozens or even hundreds of messages, and developing complex if-then workflows. Full Story: Practical Ecommerce
What is Artificial Intelligence? How Does AI Work?
“Depending on who you ask, AI is either man’s greatest invention since the discovery of fire”, as Google’s CEO said at Google’s I/O 2017 keynote, or it is a technology that might one day make man superfluous. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Channel Survey: Sales and Marketing, Analytics Are Significant Challenges
A new 360insights channel survey highlights encouraging trends and shortcomings for partners in the evolving pre- and post-COVID-19 world. Full Story: Channel Futures
Beware of WYSIATI on the Road to Data-Driven Marketing
Fueled by the explosive growth of online communications and commerce, marketers now have access to an immense amount of data regarding customers and prospects. Full Story: Customer Think

Graphic Designing: Best Trends to Keep Up with in 2021
Graphic design trends give designers the chance to rest every year, and given the challenges last year, the trends in 2021 can offer everyone a much-needed breath of fresh air. Full Story: Student Assembly of the State University of New York
How to Be Recognizable to Your Customers
Being recognized by your target consumers is the first step in the sales funnel. Full Story: Onrec

Why You Can’t Buy Amazon’s Alexa Cuckoo Clock Or Sticky Note Printer (Yet)
If you want a smart cuckoo clock or sticky note printer that works with Alexa, then you’ll have to pre-order now and hope others do as well. Full Story: Screen Rant
What The Top Voice Commands Of 2020 Tell Us About The Growth Of The Smart Home
This fall, when Apple unveils its 2021 version of the iPhone, the company could also decide to celebrate the 10th birthday of its beloved but vastly under appreciated digital voice assistant, Siri. Full Story: Twice