By Integrated Marketing Platform | June 02, 2020 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

How Emotional Intelligence Can Impact Your Marketing Strategy
When you think about emotional intelligence (EQ) in marketing, what comes to mind? Many business owners and marketers consider EQ to be one of the most critical factors that drive sales and conversions. Full Story: Forbes
Best Digital Marketing Strategies to Kick-Start your Business after the Covid-19
Due to nation-wide lockdowns, most business owners are facing the brunt of the global economic crisis. Full Story:
Why modify the marketing strategy?
When you are new to the area of marketing such as SMEs, it can be difficult to identify where we are going wrong and why we are not getting the desired results. Full Story: Explica
Don’t Be A Marketing Statistic: Preparing For Ad Life After Lockdown
As the world slowly begins to lift quarantine and wake back up, life after COVID-19 might not look as familiar as we anticipate. Full Story: Forbes
The Future Of Multi-Local Marketing Is A Blast From The Past
From what I’ve seen, not too many people have mastered the intricacies of marketing for an organization with multiple locations. Full Story: Forbes
How to Do a Competitive Analysis
Sizing up your competitors is a big part of small business success. In a nutshell, that’s what a competitive analysis is all about. Full Story: Small Business Trends
3 Easy Marketing Strategies to Retain Customers in a Tough Environment
Across the U.S. the economy is reopening, but what the new normal will look like is mostly unknown. Business owners are taking bold steps and making decisive decisions to determine what comes next for their company. Full Story: Multichannel Merchant
6 Potential Business Planning Mistakes You Must Avoid
You should all know that the first impression is everything. Also, the two-page executive summary of your plan is usually the basis of judgment. Full Story: News Anyway

Facebook Adds Option to Send Marketing Emails via Pages App
This is interesting – several users of Facebook’s Pages app have reported seeing a new function appear over the weekend which prompts them to ‘send customized marketing emails’ via their Facebook Page. Full Story: Social Media Today
Where (and how) you can grow in the social media landscape during COVID-19
All brands, even those in booming industries, are facing challenges as COVID-19 continues to play havoc with people’s daily lives. Full Story: AdNews
Enhance Your Business And Generate Leads Through Instagram Marketing
More than 32% of internet users are active on Instagram. Full Story: Techstory
Gaming Is The Best Social Media Platform For Brands To Reach Gen-Z
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not only coastal teens who gravitate towards gaming. Full Story: Forbes

How to Win at SEO & PPC (and Save Money Doing It) with Octoboard
Looking to get ahead of the competition? Leverage cloud data to win new clients, generate leads, get automated SEO and PPC insights, and more. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
A range of factors determine a good link from a bad or inconsequential one. Full Story: Econsultancy
Advantage Of SEO Services For Small Businesses
As the digital universe expands, the need for the right seo campaign becomes all the more important because it defines the growth trajectory. Full Story:
E-Commerce SEO: Know How It Improves Your Content And Ranks Your Websites
SEO plays a vital role in e-commerce especially when you have your own store and the main crux of the e-commerce website is to show the major search engines that allow us to check the products you are selling on the website. Full Story: NationEditions

8 Ways to Enhance your Mobile App CX – Low Costs, High Results!
The advent of cheap smartphones and widely accessible internet had opened new opportunities for companies to interact with customers via mobile apps. Full Story: Customer Think
The Role of an Application Support Service Provider and How they can Help in Business Growth
We are talking about the digital era—an era where an app having excellent support can achieve heights like Uber and Airbnb. Full Story: Business 2 Community
What will be the best way to build the cross-platform app of an e-commerce WordPress site?
WordPress websites has the highest number of websites over the internet. Full Story: WhaTech
Digital Marketing Tips for 2020
We’re halfway into the first year of a new decade. Full Story: Business 2 Community

How COVID-19 is Changing Digital Signage
In the age of COVID-19, digital signage will play an increased role in the office, manufacturing plants and healthcare facilities. Full Story: TechDecisions
Don’t Put Off Your Investment: Utilizing Digital Signage During Uncertain Times and Beyond
Don’t let your digital signs and televisions collect dust in an empty eating area. Instead, repurpose them! Full Story: Digital Signage Connection

The best email apps for Android
In our age of constant communication, managing emails has become a vital everyday task. However, it can often be a chore, particularly when emails pile up faster than you can read them. Full Story: Yahoo Tech
5 Tips for Improving Your Email Open Rate
Email marketing is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to grow your business. Full Story: Customer Think

Market Trends: How Ecommerce is Evolving in 2020
2020 has already seen the world change quite significantly. Full Story: Business 2 Community
3 Must-Have Ecommerce Software Features for Fast-Growing International Businesses
The cutting-edge online businesses are experimenting every day with new technologies and marketing strategies to grow in the national as well as international market. Full Story:

Why PR Needs to Avoid Convenient Diversity Now
For the nearly 40 years I’ve been involved in media, I’ve seen the same pattern. Full Story: PR News
Seven Questions to Ask When Hiring a PR Agency
Three years. That is the average length of today’s client-agency relationship. That average is less than half of what it was 20 years ago, and it continues to decline. Full Story:

Automotive Electronics IC Market Research, Dependability And Innovations In Technology
The Global Automotive Electronics IC Market study encloses the projection size of the market both in terms of value (Mn/Bn US$) and volume (x units). Full Story: 3rd Watch News
21+ Best Market Research Tools
Stories about companies failing to do market research are all too common. For instance, the 1990s saw the introduction of a soft drink with little balls of gelatin floating in it. Full Story: Small Business Trends

20 Free Web Design Tools from Spring 2020
Free resources from the design community can add value to an ecommerce site. Here is a list of new web tools and design elements from spring 2020. Full Story: Practical Ecommerce
The web-development is one of the most fast-growing areas nowadays. It’s driven by many businesses that want to build websites to sell and advertise their products worldwide. Full Story: IMC Grupo

It’s time to re-evaluate your marketing automation stack
Right now, companies have a critical opportunity to re-evaluate if their marketing automation stacks can keep up with their unique needs while keeping business growth in focus. Full Story: ClickZ
How Artificial Intelligence Can Lighten The Load For Customer Service Representatives
Over the last decade, experts have predicted that AI would make up the bulk of the current workforce. Full Story: Forbes

Here’s What AI Can Do for Your Analytics and BI Processes
In 2020, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are poised to revolutionize data analysis and business intelligence processes. Full Story: Analytics Insight
How Business Intelligence is helping businesses navigate a crisis
Business leaders are relying less on gut instinct, and more on hard data to navigate unchartered waters. Full Story: TechHQ

How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand: The First Steps
In this article, I wish to cover the first steps that I coach my one-on-one clients to take when building a powerful personal brand. Full Story: Forbes
Align Your Brand With Purpose, Inside And Out
Take a moment. Think about the business challenges you face. If you’re like most people, you’re thinking about things like how the market perceives you and how you can attract customers. Full Story: Forbes

3 Amazon Echo security features to use when you leave the house
Alexa has built-in safety functions to help keep your home protected while you’re away. Full Story: CNET
Windows 10 Cortana finally gets new form and functionality
Cortana sure has seen better days. The Windows 10 digital assistant has been through her fair share of ups and downs. Full Story: St. George Daily Spectrum