By Integrated Marketing Platform | March 27, 2020 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

What Successful B2B Content Marketing Strategies Have in Common
When there is a lull in activity or a slow time of year, it’s a great time to review your company’s B2B content marketing strategy or to build one if one does not exist. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Surviving COVID-19: How to adapt your digital marketing strategy amidst a global crisis
In the world of hyper-speed, dramatic scale-ups and connectivity, social media can now be categorised as a mature marketing channel. Full Story: e27
Why (and How) You Should Maintain Instead of Cutting Marketing During Uncertain Times
Many businesses are well aware of the impact the “slow season” can have on their businesses. Full Story: Business 2 Community
How to optimise your digital marketing during COVID-19
Optimising digital marketing during the COVID-19 crisis can help your business stay afloat and continue to give you the results you desire. Full Story: Media Update
How Marketing Leaders Can Manage the Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Revenue
The impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) is still only starting to show in businesses and on the economy worldwide. Full Story: MarTech Advisor
Best B2B Marketing Strategies Startups Should Know
Marketing brands and products have always been an effective means of growing a startup business. Full Story: PakWired
The Fly Wheel Isn’t a Marketing Tool – It’s a Business Model Tool
The Marketing FlyWheel is a tool that allows you to focus on your customers rather and drive business through them. Full Story: Business 2 Community
How Publishers Can Improve Their Content Marketing
The coronavirus pandemic is battering an already ailing publishing industry, adding insult to the injuries of the Great Recession and loss of advertising revenue to digital media. Full Story: MediaPost Communications

How to Use Twitter Analytics to Keep Your Marketing Messaging on Point
Twitter has one of the most straightforward dashboard tools available to social media marketers in the form of Twitter Analytics. Full Story: CMSWire
What Are We Going to See on Social in 2020?
As we come to the end of another year we start to think about what lies ahead. Full Story: Business 2 Community
5 ways to navigate social media during coronavirus crisis
As #QuarantineLife becomes the new norm, brands are left questioning their marketing, communication and social media strategies. Full Story: Boutique Hotelier
How social media strategies should adapt to COVID-19
The crisis has changed how many communicators interact with their communities, especially online. Here’s how your social media channels can be a part of the solution. Full Story: PR Daily

As with many things, the more SEO changes the more SEO stays the same. I call these unchanging principles the “10 Commandments of SEO.” Full Story: Forbes
A 10-Point Ecommerce SEO Checklist for 2020
With a brand new decade ahead of us, now is the perfect time to reevaluate your ecommerce website’s SEO strategy. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
Google On How To Technically Pause Your Online Business
As promised, Google has put together both a blog post and a detailed developer document on how to pause your online business. Full Story: Search Engine Roundtable
8 of the Most Important HTML Tags for SEO
Are you utilizing HTML tags in your SEO process? HTML tags are code elements with the back-end of all web pages, but there are also specific HTML code types which provide search engines with key info for SERP display. Full Story: Social Media Today

13 Key Considerations When Linking Desktop And Mobile Marketing
Because of the full range of devices that consumers use in this day and age, mobile marketing and desktop marketing can be considered two distinct subfields of the industry. Full Story: Forbes
The Complete Guide on Mobile Marketing
Did you know that more than 70%(1) of businesses consider mobile marketing key for their success? Over 80% of web users have a mobile gadget. Full Story: TechFunnel
Mastering The Art And Science Of Creatives In The Shifting Mobile Ad Market
In a market where people crave personal experiences and bypass ads they feel miss the mark, the pressure is on marketers to deliver relevant and riveting ad creatives that engage consumers, rather than annoy them. Full Story: Forbes
The Ways How Mobile Apps Can Benefit Nonprofit Organizations
Unlike for-profit businesses, non-profits typically have an altruistic goal in mind. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Why digital OOH is the new frontier of marketing
Fuelled by ubiquitous internet connectivity and proliferation of emerging technologies, marketing is at the cusp of disruption with the out of home (OOH) segment transforming into digital signage rapidly. Full Story: Financial Express
3 ways retailers can stay afloat with digital signage during COVID-19 outbreak
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep across the country, and as politicians pass measures to attempt to control it, many retailers are in an awkward situation. Full Story: Digital Signage Today

Everything You Need to Know About Email Marketing In Less Than 600 Words
Email is now the default workplace, so I’m sharing everything I know about how to market there. Full Story:
What to do and what to avoid when it comes to connecting with your audience during the current public health crisis. Full Story: Associations Now

Ecommerce and Machine Learning: 4 Benefits You Need to Know
Do you want to improve the lead generation efforts of your online store? Full Story: Business 2 Community
How Artificial Intelligence is transforming eCommerce marketers in 2020
Artificial Intelligence has grown massively over the past few years. You would have noticed how it is making the businesses strong and sufficient with its capabilities and power. Full Story: TechGenyz

Top Tips For Telling PR Stories That Sell
It has been said that stories are “windows into other worlds.” People only ever gaze through the glass for one of two reasons: Full Story: Forbes
How coronavirus has changed beauty PR
Beauty brands and retailers have had to adjust to a new world order prompted by Covid-19, and beauty publicists have had to do the same. Full Story: Glossy

Market Research Studies: Three Tips For Doing Them Right
Market research is a valuable tool in the arsenal of any businessperson. Full Story: Forbes
Step-By-Step Market Research and Strategy Guide
Having you been wanting to start your own business? or maybe you have and you don’t know what to do next? Full Story: Business 2 Community

One simple Chrome plugin makes browsing so much faster, and it’s free
Google has confirmed that it is now resuming Chrome updates after a brief pause due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, which has truly impacted every last aspect of our lives — even our web browsing. Full Story: BGR
Five benefits to coding you probably didn’t know about
Learning to code will improve your productivity, efficiency, and enable you to grow a business from scratch on your own terms. Full Story: Financial Post

95% Marketers Agree Personalization is Key for Event Success, Reports Bizzabo
The number of business leaders that say live events are critical for success has doubled year-over-year, according to the report. Full Story: MarTech Advisor
How realistic strategic planning can help SMBs support annual performance goals
Keap’s new eBook provides tips and guidelines to help SMBs develop a comprehensive strategic plan that helps support their performance goals. Full Story: ClickZ

Business intelligence trends in the fintech industry
Within the startup community, fintech companies were once a surefire bet for securing funding from investors. Full Story: Bankless Times
How big data is empowering better business intelligence
Business intelligence (BI) is nothing new to enterprises that have been relying on data processing and analysis to deliver insightful reports that reflect business performance. Full Story: Tech Wire Asia

Low Budget Branding Strategies For Small Businesses
Branding is a marketing practice, which helps companies to explain distinctive characteristics of their products or services to their customers. Full Story: About Insider
Learn Why Brand Experience Is the Future of Marketing
Marketing, as always, is constantly evolving. Full Story: G2 (blog)

Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant can now help you diagnose COVID-19
Amazon Alexa users in the US can now use the voice assistant as a first step towards diagnosing cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, Amazon has announced. Full Story: The Verge
One in two people use voice technology on their smartphones, and nearly half expect their use of the tech to grow, according to a 2017 survey of 851 respondents by comScore (registration required). Full Story: