By Integrated Marketing Platform | October 28, 2019 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

When You Should Change The Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital marketing is constantly evolving and can be disruptive. Strategies that have worked in the past may not be effective in the present. Do you know why many companies do not outperform their competition? The simplicity of not Annon by adapting to digital media brings the world around. However, the most effective vehicle and digital-guided management strategy are to later change it in response to real-time analysis results and results. Full Story: The African Exponent
7 Effective Article Writing Strategies for Marketers
In this “content is king” age, article writing is more important than ever before. According to Statista, the global digital population is just over 4 billion. These include the 3.7 billion mobile internet users who spend an average of 8 seconds reading social media posts or other online content. Full Story: Edgy Labs
How to Create a Strategic Marketing Communications Plan
Many businesses struggle with challenges which could be overcome by having a strategic marketing communications plan in place. By undertaking a process to create a comprehensive strategy, awareness of your organization will be increased and goals achieved, benefiting your business greatly. Full Story: Press Herald
Mistakes to avoid in marketing your business
It can take more than just a good product to bring in customers. Being able to successfully market your business is essential to long-term sustainability, which is why the U.S. Small Business Administration has identified several ways that business owners fail in marketing to customers. Full Story: bake Magazine
Digital marketing workshops to help local small businesses
The fundamentals of social media and digital marketing will be covered in two workshops that will kick off a series of eight being run over the coming months. The first two workshops – Social Media Marketing 101 and Digital Marketing Essentials – will both be held on Friday 15 November in Ararat and are open to businesses who want to start or improve their digital presence. Full Story: Mirage News
How to Step Up Your Video Marketing Campaign Before 2020
It’s no secret that video marketing has been one of the most effective tools in a world, where everything has slowly turned digital. Visual representation is the preferred medium of choice by almost anyone, this explains why video marketing is currently in high demand. To support the claim, citing from the infographic, 72% of consumers watch videos to learn about a product or service. Full Story: Digital Information World
4 Effective Follow-Up Tips to Impress Sales Prospects
Sales is a multi-faceted profession that requires several key components for success. A good salesperson should be empathetic towards customers and tune into their needs, wants and feelings. You should also be friendly, optimistic, genuine, committed, driven and knowledgeable about your product or service. If you excel at all these things and still falter in making a final sale, maybe you should re-evaluate your follow-up process. Here are some tips for improving your follow-up techniques. Full Story: WWJ Newsradio 950
Can Influencer Marketing Be Automated?
“Can influencer marketing be automated?” This question is raised by many marketers who are working on an influencer campaign for their brand. With the technological boom of nowadays, it might be considered old-school to manage the processes manually – let the technology do the job and benefit from the results. Full Story: Talking Influence

Why User Engagement Isn’t Always A Good Thing On Social Media
For many people the very idea of social media is to engage with others, to have meaningful discussions and to quite literally be “social.” However, for a small business or anyone who utilizes Facebook and other social media as a marketing tool can find that engagement is good – until it isn’t. Full Story: Forbes
Why Your Company Must Use Social Media to Build its Employer Brand
Employer branding is a key component to attracting the right staff, and given the widespread usage of social platforms, social media is a key medium for boosting your employer brand. Beyond marketing to your potential customers, your business’ social media presence can also act as a powerful signal of what it’s like to work for your company, with the active involvement of your staff, company leaders, and even CEOs providing insights that can help candidates make decisions about your potential as a career destination. Full Story: Social Media Today
Why shopping on social media is booming
Businesses struggling to keep up with demand from consumers shopping on their mobile devices face a new challenge – a boom in social commerce or people shopping on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Full Story: The Australian Financial Review
The business end of social media outrage
The outrage expressed by a section of Twitterati over HUL’s tea brand Red Label follows a similar social fury against its Surf Excel brand earlier this year. Both the times, the issue was around ads that featured people of two different faiths. Full Story: The Hindu BusinessLine

Google’s Baby Algorithms: How to Think About Them for SEO
Everything that is man-made is knowable. That includes the Google algorithm. But that doesn’t mean the algorithm is known. In the 20+ years, I’ve been doing SEO, I’ve seen thousands of theories around how the search engine algorithms work – specifically Google’s algorithm. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
It’s not about length: SEO content trends to stay ahead of in 2020
Hard as it may be to believe, it’s that time of year again – and no, I’m not talking about making Christmas lists, planning how best to avoid the in-laws over the festive season, and having mild panic attacks about how you’re going to afford all the presents and festivities that the coming months have in store. No, it’s the end of another year, which means it’s time to speculate about content trends for the coming 12 months. Full Story: The Drum
7 Best Practices In Writing Better Social Media Content
If you want to write compelling material, then you should know your audience first. Writing while you have your readers in mind will help you adapt to the style that is relevant for them. If possible, know the demographics of your followers. If you know, for example, the age group of your target readers, then you’ll be able to speak to them effectively. Full Story: Foreign Policy 2018
18+ stats that show how search and SEO are changing
It has been more than two decades since some of the earliest web search engines were launched. Last year, the company behind the world’s biggest and most well-known search engine, Google, celebrated its 20th anniversary. Full Story: Econsultancy

5 Ways to Boost Your Mobile Marketing Strategies
Those same marketers, though, are building their mobile websites without accurate knowledge of their customers’ mobile preferences. If there were ever a time to start doubling-down on mobile marketing efforts — and getting better at it — it’s now. And Gartner’s not the only one who’s saying so. Full Story: CMSWire
It’s Not Too Late to Add Text Messaging to Your Marketing Strategy
Worldwide, 560 billion text messages are sent each month. The average person sends and receives five times as many texts compared with the number of phone calls each day, according to mobile intelligence firm Informate. And on average, Americans spend 26 minutes per day texting compared to 21 minutes per day calling. Full Story: Destination CRM
Mobile snags 70% of all paid search impressions in Q3, study finds
More than half (54%) of search ad spending went to mobile platforms in Q3, up from 50% in the prior quarter. Advertisers followed the audience migration from desktop to mobile devices with the shift in paid search ad spending, according to a study that marketing technology firm Kenshoo shared with Mobile Marketer. Full Story: Mobile Marketer
7 new trends for better email and mobile marketing
Are you delivering the email and mobile experiences your customers expect? Are you measuring your performance the right way? Do you know how to compare your company’s campaign performance to competitors — or take learnings from industries and apply them to your own? Full Story: Marketing Land

How to Stretch Customer Imagination with Digital Signage
Digital signage is now the standard wherever people shop, travel, gather, eat, study and work. It is used to increase sales, improve branding, enhance an experience, drive an action and even reduce perceived wait times. The ultimate aim of digital signage is to have as many people as possible see a message in a given area, to hopefully generate the desired results. To get customers (internal or external) to take ACTION. Thus, the more eye-catching the signage, the greater the engagement will be with your customers. Full Story: Retail Customer Experience
ScreenScape unveils digital signage software upgrade
ScreenScape Networks Inc. has launched ScreenScrape5, an update to its software-as-a-service solution for digital signage. The solution provides multiple tools for content creation and management such as a new media editor with stylized fonts and layers assets, according to a press release. Full Story: Digital Signage Today

How to Use Email and Text for Collections Without Getting Burned
If you read part 1 of this two-part blog series you might have found some of our comments surprising. Perhaps you left with more questions than you’d had going in. Or you wonder how in the world communicating compliantly via email and text—consistently, day in and day out—is even possible. Full Story:
How To Leverage CRM To Find High-Paying Clients
Maybe you can attract high-paying clients. But can you keep high-paying clients? To attract high-paying clients, it pays to divide your database into five segments: suspects you hope might become prospects, prospects who know about you that you hope will become clients, past clients that worked with you over a year ago, current clients, and referral sources. Full Story: Forbes

3 Tips for an Ecommerce Marketing SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis — strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats — can help an ecommerce business improve its marketing, find new ways to promote its brand, and avoid competitive threats. Listing a business’s marketing strengths and weaknesses, however, may not be enough to provide actionable insights or help the company’s marketing staff make decisions. Full Story: Practical Ecommerce
The 7 Most Important eCommerce KPIs for Tracking & Growing Sales
Setting up an e-commerce store and expecting it to run successfully is a sign of foolhardy. You have to constantly keep track of the site’s performance so that you can make improvements as and when needed. With the help of KPIs or Key Performance Indicators, you can track the performance of your e-commerce site more efficiently. Full Story: Business 2 Community

How startups should use OKRs to measure PR success
In recent years it has become increasingly clear that public relations work is an important source of added value. This naturally also applies to startups: investors must be convinced, customers won, and strategic partners found. In addition to marketing, startups in particular also need a professional external image that builds and maintains sustainable relationships with all stakeholders and creates trust. Full Story: TNW
Four reasons you should make PR your everyday habit
Does PR still matter in the age of bloggers and social influencers? Very much so. New companies are raking up thousands of media mentions per month, and you don’t have to be big to get noticed. Here are four reasons you should make PR your everyday process. Full Story: Thrive Global

Customer Analytics Market Research Report 2019-2024
New report on “Customer Analytics Market” 2019 focuses on the growth opportunities, which will help the Customer Analytics market to expand operations in the existing markets. Customer Analytics market research study is significant for manufacturers in the Customer Analytics market, including industry stakeholders, distributors, suppliers, and investors, and it can also help them understand applicable strategies to grow in the Customer Analytics market. Full Story: Downstream News
Cloud-Based Email Security Market Research Report 2019-2024
The “Cloud-Based Email Security Market” 2019 provides an in-depth analysis of all market dynamics including drivers and restraints, and trends and opportunities. Important factors supporting growth across various is also provided. Full Story: Downstream News

5 Ways AI is Impacting Web Design and Development
For the last 25 years, web design and web development have continuously evolved, always exceeding what we believed the internet could and should look like. The top web developers and designers are always looking for new ways to use emerging technology to blow our collective minds. Full Story: Times Square Chronicles
Java is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in existence. GitHub’s 2018 Year in Review survey ranked it as the second-most popular language among programmers. Full Story: PVP Live

Only 2% of B2B Marketers are Using Marketing Automation to Its Full Potential
Marketing automation can be an invaluable tool for B2B and B2C businesses. A recent study by Communigator and Smart Insights has revealed just 2% of B2B marketers use marketing automation to its full potential. Simon Moss, the Marketing Director of Communigator discusses these findings. Full Story: MarTech Advisor
Linkmedia 360 & Enquire Publish Modern Marketing Automation Guide
Enquire, a leading provider of cloud CRM, marketing automation and sales contact center solutions for senior living and post-acute communities and Linkmedia 360, a digital marketing agency that activates customized solutions in competitive, occupancy-driven industries like senior living, are proud to announce the release of the Guide to Modern Marketing Automation for Senior Living. Full Story: Benzinga

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been getting a lot of buzz for the last few years, touching upon virtually every area of human activity. Even relatively levelheaded people sometimes seem to be sure that “strong AI” — AI with an intellectual capacity equal or exceeding that of a human — is just around the corner. However, everything indicates that anything approaching this level is still a ways off. Full Story: TechGenix
Big data has evolved over the years to handle extremely large datasets. The experts describe big data projects in the three ways – Volume, velocity, and variety. Businesses today, can receive huge datasets, known as big data, from traditional business systems, social networks, IoT devices, or any number of systems that are spread throughout an organization. Full Story: Analytics Insight

How to Develop a Brand Strategy: A Step-By-Step Guide
Before we jump into how to develop a brand strategy, let’s take a moment to really define branding. It’s fair to say there’s some confusion in the marketplace. What is branding? Is it your logo? Your tagline? Your company name? Your website design? Your features and benefits? Well, yes and no. It’s all these things and a whole lot more. Full Story: Pacifc54 Blog
6 Best Brands That Dominate User-Generated Content on Instagram
User-generated content is a powerful form of marketing for any brand. It allows you to strengthen your relationships with followers and customers and broaden your online presence. Around 86% of millennials believe that user-generated content (also known as UGC) is a good indicator of a brand or product’s quality. UGC speaks volumes more about your brand than your own content. Full Story: Business 2 Community

Spotify’s podcast strategy is starting to pay off
Spotify’s strategy of owning a chunk of the podcast game appears to be paying off, at least according to its latest financial report. In the third quarter of 2019, Spotify says it saw “exponential growth” in podcasts, with a 39 percent increase in listens in just three months. The US is the biggest consumer of the format, but Spotify is also seeing bumps in a number of European countries. And those people who come to Spotify for podcasts are, according to the company, more likely to sign up for premium than others. Full Story: Engadget
Voice technology is here. Now what?
One of the major draws of emerging and creative technology for brands is the ‘new factor’; the opportunity to be the first company to launch on a new platform – to boldly go where no brand has gone before. Full Story: The Drum