By Integrated Marketing Platform | June 05, 2023 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

4 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Marketing Budget
Absolutely nothing stays the same. But lately, everything seems to be changing all at once. Full Story: Forbes
Why You Need to Put More Effort Into Marketing in a Recession, Not Less
Rather than ditching your content marketing efforts in anticipation of a possible recession, Full Story: Entrepreneur
Five Strategies For Customer Experience Marketing
In today’s experience economy, companies must put the customer at the center of everything they do, Full Story: Forbes
3 Trends in Marketing That You Can’t Ignore
Discover the top 3 must-know digital marketing trends shaping the industry today. Stay competitive in the evolving landscape. Full Story: Martechcube
How to build a basic marketing strategy for small businesses
The basics of marketing are available to us all, no matter the size of the business. Full Story: MarketingWeek
How To Level-up Your Marketing Strategy Before The End Of 2023
As we’re moving quickly into the second half of 2023, Full Story: Tycoonstory

19 Big Errors For Companies To Avoid In Their Social Media Management
When companies decide it’s time to up their social media game, Full Story: Forbes
How B2Bs Can Get More Out Of Their Social Media Marketing Efforts
In today’s ever-changing social media ecosystem, business-to-business (B2B) companies confront unique obstacles, Full Story: Forbes
How Authentic Content Creators Build Social Media Trust
We hear a lot about influencers in marketing circles today. Full Story: Forbes
How To Develop a B2B Social Media Marketing Strategy
Your social media strategy should always support specific business goals. Full Story: ColoradoBiz
7 new social media features you need to know this week
Updates from Meta, Twitter, YouTube and more. Full Story: PR Daily

4 Technical SEO Tips For Multilingual Websites
Technical SEO for multilingual websites is crucial. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
Get your B2B site unstuck: Top SEO tips for stagnant sites
Want to get your B2B site growing again? Full Story: Search Engine Land
Is Content The King In Modern SEO?
Learn how to formulate an effective content strategy that will keep up with modern times and stay relevant at the same time. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
How to establish your brand entity for SEO: A 5-step guide
A well-known, top rated and trusted brand entity is the cornerstone of organic visibility. Full Story: Search Engine Land
How SEO Reporting Tools Can Help Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of online marketing. Full Story: TycoonStory

The Future of Mobile Marketing: Is WhatsApp Leading the Pack?
As the world grows more connected by the day, the future of marketing is undeniably mobile. Full Story: Vents Magazine

The Future of Advertising: Exploring the Potential of Digital Signage
The future of advertising is rapidly evolving, and one of the most promising and innovative developments in this field is digital signage. Full Story: CityLife
Why digital marketers should be thinking pDOOH
While online buyers haven’t had to do much hard work in convincing advertisers to direct a fair chunk of their adspend towards ‘conventional’ digital channels, Full Story: Bizcommunity

6 Email Marketing Campaign Errors and How to Avoid Them
Is your marketing campaign not performing as well as you thought it would? Full Story: TycoonStory
How Interactive Emails Can Boost Your Marketing ROI
The future of email marketing is here! Full Story: G2
10 Best AI Email Inbox Management Tools
In the age of information overload, managing emails can be a daunting task. Full Story: Unite.AI

3 Strategies For E-Commerce Leaders Seeking To Implement Chatbots
I head up the e-commerce department at Liquid Rubber, Full Story: Forbes
Page Speed and SEO: How to Improve E-Commerce Websites
The e-commerce industry has seen double-digit growth every year for the past decade. Full Story: readwrite
The Importance of Detailed Product Descriptions for E-commerce Stores
When it comes to running an e-commerce store, one of the most important things is providing detailed product descriptions to potential customers. Full Story: Fibre2Fashion
7 proven tips to increase the profitability of your e-commerce business
As consumer preferences change and shift rapidly, staying on top of trends and your costs can be tricky. Full Story: Ebury

We Must Promote PR and How Valuable It Is: 5 Reasons Why You Need PR in Your Marketing Plan
I have something negative to say about the PR industry, an industry that I have worked in for more than two decades. Full Story: Marketing News Canada
Are Companies Better Off Without PR?
In 2020, Tesla shut down its entire public relations department, Full Story: Forbes

Market Research: An Important Investment For Long-Term Viability
Businesses must future-proof themselves to endure an ever-changing economic landscape. Full Story: Forbes
8 ways to use social media for market research
As marketers, it’s our job to know our target audience’s needs and preferences. Full Story: sproutsocial

7 Reasons Why Learning HTML Is Essential for Every Developer
From web designing to web development, HTML is a must-know language for developers. Full Story: Make Use Of
Building a Review Website: A Complete Guide
Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to build a review website. Full Story:
A Comprehensive Review of AI Tools in Web Development
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of modern technology, Full Story: CityLife
The Future Of Web Development: Emerging Technologies And Trends To Watch Out For
The field of web development is constantly changing, so it’s essential to remain on top of recent trends and technologies. Full Story: readwrite
Why Should Web Development Services Utilize PHP?
PHP has established itself as an anchor in the online sector due to its simplicity, performance, and versatility. Full Story: PC Tech Magazine

Five Next-Level Marketing Uses For AI
There is no hotter topic in marketing right now than artificial intelligence (AI) and specifically, ChatGPT. Full Story: Forbes
Generative Artificial Intelligence Changing The Face Of Marketing
Generative artificial intelligence use is becoming more and more popular among marketing companies. Full Story: Scoop
8 of the Best Sales Automation Tools for Startups and Small Businesses
Managing sales processes and campaigns is a tall task, especially with customers using more channels than ever. Full Story: Solutions Review

Revolutionising marketing analytics with AI: Success stories from different industries
Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance and become more sophisticated; Full Story: Khaleej Times
What is Power BI and why is it the smart choice for businesses?
The ever-increasing flow of raw data has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for businesses to race ahead of their competitors. Full Story: mkfm

3 Tips To Set Yourself Apart With Unique Branding
Branding is a powerful way to build a loyal customer base. Full Story: Forbes
The Art Of Local Branding: Powerful Tactics For Small Businesses
Starting a small business is demanding. From managing your finances to building a customer base, Full Story: Forbes
2023 Branding Trends: The Impact of Branding and Advertising in the Digital Age
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, it’s crucial to keep up with the latest branding and marketing trends to remain competitive and relevant in today’s marketplace. Full Story: Business Outreach

Are Siri, Google and Alexa spying on us?
We analyze what information the leading virtual assistants collect, Full Story: Elpais
How to use Siri on iPhone and Apple Watch
Even though Apple’s personal assistant Siri is still in its infancy it can still be used for a wide variety of different functions depending on your needs. Full Story: Geeky Gadgets
How To Use Alexa Routines To Automate Your Smart Home
If you’re old enough to remember cartoons like The Jetsons, you probably remember a vision of the future where our lives are fully automated. Full Story: Slash Gear
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