Marketing analytics involves measuring and analyzing the performance of the utilized channels, mediums and initiatives to maximize the Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI). Are you a business in Edmonton looking to benefit from data and analytics? Marketing analytics provides benefits to improve lead generation and sales, as well as insights into customer preferences, trends and behaviours.
Our Marketing Analytics services include:
1) Web Analytics
Web Analytics is an indispensable tool of any digital marketing professional and refers simply to measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.

With this data in hand, a marketing professional is in a position to take specific actions with the view to:
- Grow traffic to the website
- Optimize the message and content
- Improve the efficiency of any digital marketing initiative
Our team of digital experts will make this process easy for you – we will setup all the Analytics and Webmaster tools and you will end up with a simple-to-use, friendly user interface. Our processes include:
- Full inѕtаllаtiоn of Analytics & Webmaster Tооlѕ and Sоftwаrе for your wеbѕitе. These tools are absolutely еѕѕеntiаl for all the websites to trасk their traffic, conversion and a lоt more. Knowing уоur viѕitоrѕ and their behaviour on уоur wеbѕitе will help уоu to орtimizе уоur wеbѕitе to inсrеаѕе leads and sales. We will help you:
- Sеtuр Gооglе Analytics Aссоunt
- Sеtuр Gооglе Webmaster Tооlѕ Aссоunt
- Create XML Sitеmар for уоur Website
- Submit the Sitеmар in Webmaster Tооlѕ
- Setting up Anаlуtiсѕ & Data Dаѕhbоаrd to help build уоur business
- Google Analytics Intеgrаtiоn
- Wеbmаѕtеr Tооlѕ Integration
2) Social Media Analytics
Social media analytics is the process of gathering data from your social media channels and using analytics tools to help in making business decisions. Social media analytics is commonly used to measure customer engagement and understand customer opinion which can be a fairly complex process. Integrated Marketing Analytics solutions will take care of your analytics to help provide you with the data you need to make the best decisions you can to take your business forward.

3) Search Engine Analytics
With over 60,000 searches every second Google is undoubtedly the Global Analytics King of the Marketing Kingdom. The data generated from these searches and your campaigns can help you in optimizing your Google Adwords strategies.

4) Mobile Analytics
Mobile analytics, similar to web analytics, is used to improve customer engagement and conversions. Data is captured from mobile applications to identify unique visitors, follow their journeys and record their behaviours. Mobile analytics also allows you to understand your applications efficiency. Knowing what is driving the users, more specifically, the right type of users, is exactly the type of insight that mobile analytics is able to provide e.g.: you are able to attribute which user clicked on which advert that led to the install. With the gathered data, you can recognize which publishers are driving the right type of users.
Few examples of common in-app datasets that can be collected include:
Device Profile:
- Type of device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.)
- Manufacturer
- Operating system (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.)
User Demographics:
- Location
- Gender
- New or returning user
- Approximate age
- Language
In-App Behavior:
- Tracking: buttons clicked, ads clicked, purchases made, articles read, time viewed, etc.
Other marketing analytics data that can be collected includes installs, opens, clicks, purchases, registrations, content viewed, level achieved, shares, invites and other events.

5) Email Analytics
In order to have an effective email campaign, you need to have a thorough analysis, allowing for strategically effective decisions to be made.

Integrated Marketing Analytics solutions will provide you with an analysis providing important data such as:
- Click Through Rate (CTR): Engagement by email recipients with clicks on Calls to Action
- Conversion Rate: Clicks on a link completing a desired action such as filling out and submitting a lead generation form or purchasing products
- Bounce Rate: Measurement of unsuccessfully delivered emails
- List Growth Rate: Growth rate of your email subscriptions
- Email Forwarding Rate: Clicks on “Share” or “Forward to a Friend” button
- Time Spent: Number of minutes spent reading the email