The Ultimate Objective Of Interated Marketing’s Search Engine Marketing Solutions Is To Improve The Ranking Of Your Website In The Search Results And Increase Quality Traffic To Your Website.
Whether or not a new or existing customer can find your website depends greatly on how you rank in search results. An integrated approach to making sure that customers will always find you includes On-page and Off-page Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, and leveraging on web analytics data and solutions. We are offering our search engine expertise to businesses in Edmonton!
Integrated Marketing’s Search Engine Marketing Solutions include:

We have conducted еxtеnѕivе rеѕеаrсh and testing in search engine mаrkеtіng tесhniques and our team relies on the bеѕt, proven tооlѕ and techniques to bооѕt the еffесtivеnеѕѕ of уоur ѕitе in drawing more traffic from search еnginеѕ.
Integrated Marketing team of experts offers a complete SEO solution aimed at lifting your website’s rank through strategic use of unіquе kеуwоrdѕ, tags and meta-tags, carefully curated links to other sites, targeted соntеnt, labeled images and other specialized techniques and methods. Few of our On-Page SEO strategies include:


Pay-Per-Click Solutions – Adwords:
To augment the organic traffic growth, Integrated Marketing works within your marketing budget to set up and run an optimal PPC campaign. Running an efficient PPC campaign goes well beyond simply bidding on keywords. At Integrated Marketing, we will optimize every cent you spend on a click through.

Search engines appreciate advertisers who can create relevant, intelligently targeted PPC campaigns – they show this appreciation by charging them less for ad clicks. If your ads and landing pages are useful and satisfying to users, Google charges you less per click, leading to higher profits for your business.
Our solutions include:
- Strategy Development – With an analysis of what your competitors are doing, together with an analysis of your marketing goals including keyword research and analysis and utilizing backend tools, we will devise a strategic plan involving a well-designed campaign.
- Execution – Upon initial analysis and design, your campaign can now be put into action. You determine ad spend based on your budget and desire for the measurable improvement in the ranking of your website.
- Monitoring and Analytics – In order to constantly improve the effectiveness of your Search Engine Marketing, we will monitor the performance of your campaign. This will include a thorough analysis providing data as to the effectiveness of the campaign.
- Refining Strategy – Keywords are what customers use to find the products or services they are looking for. As such, the analysis will help in determining which keywords are not performing and which keywords may provide improved results. This strategy of constantly refining your Search Engine Marketing will lead to superior campaigns.
So get in touch with Integrated Marketing team today to kick-start your optimized PPC campaign.
Search Engine (Digital Media Solutions, Edmonton)
Retargeting/ Remarketing Solutions

For most websites, less than 2% of first-time visitors will become customers. Many will spend mere seconds on your landing page before moving on. Integrated Marketing Retargeting solutions (also known as remarketing) will help you build a database of these non-conversions and reach them with new, customized messages.
Customers who left your site after viewing just one page or those abandoning shopping cart mid-purchase are extremely valuable to your business. The reason is simple – these customers already know about you and are interested in your products. Make sure they become your buyers by maintaining their interest and reaching them with targeted messages.
Retargeting works though insertion of specific code into your website. Integrated Marketing will help you craft and execute your remarketing campaign.