How do you solve a problem like… turning around a declining brand?
“We have to prove to our customers again that we have more extraordinary things to show them,” she said. Full Story: The Drum
When emotional branding backfires
Every brand attempts to develop and circulate a positive emotional branding story, but sometimes it is at risk of cultural backlash. Full Story: Deccan Herald
The Great Rebrand: Five Factors To Consider When Changing A Brand Name Or Logo
Let’s imagine for a moment a world that might have been. Instead of Googling something, we BackRub it — that was the original name of Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s Stanford search engine project. Full Story: Forbes
How to Create a Strong Ecommerce Brand Identity
Marketers tend to talk a lot about brand identity. But what does it actually mean? It’s one of those things that, if it’s working, you don’t notice it. Full Story: ReadWrite
Graphic design guide: How to go from hobbyist to professional
This is branded content. So, you want to turn your favourite pastime into a professional pursuit. Full Story: Tenterfield Star
5 Strategic Ways to Grow Your Brand With TikTok
The power of this social networking service and its one billion users is undeniable, but what are the most profitable ways to harness its features? Full Story: Entrepreneur
Brands v branding: brand design needs to get with the times
Hence, branding as we know it today was born. First, as a practice to identify products; next as a device connecting them to specific lifestyles; then values; and, finally, worldviews, consumer stances and postures. Full Story: The Drum
The Expert Executive: Four Ways To Elevate Your Personal Brand As A Subject Matter Expert
As a CEO, you likely wear many hats: visionary, structure builder and strategy maker to name a few. Full Story: Forbes
A Neuroscientific Look At Branding
What if I were to tell you that you and everyone else you know is partially blind AND entirely unaware of the blindness? Full Story: Forbes
16 Top Mistakes And Lapses In Oversight That Can Ruin Brand Consistency
Successful branding involves a good deal of testing and iterating. Full Story: Forbes